As we approach our first anniversary as an organization, Iā€™d like to remind you of all we have been able to accomplish with your support.

  • Incorporated by the state of Texas and federally recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

  • Launched our website, which includes an extensive Texas History News section, among other features.

  • Adopted a comprehensive Mission & Values statement.

  • Created a robust social media presence in Facebook and Instagram.

  • Reached 600 members, over half of whom signed up as the Charter Member level.

  • Held our first public event, the Texas History: Looking Back, Moving Forward symposium, which attracted a capacity crowd of over 150. 

  • Prepared new bylaws, which will soon be presented to the membership for approval.

  • Begun the process for members to nominate and elect a new slate of officers and board members.

  • Instituted the Journal of Texas History, which now has a full editorial staff and is well into its first editorial process.

  • Launched the Alliance Fund, which, at this writing, has raised an additional $32,000 for general operating expenses.

  • Planned our first Annual Conference, to be held in San Marcos in mid-May, with 45 sessions by presenters from all across the country.

 Of course, much remains to be done. This spring you will be asked to approve our new bylaws and elect officers who will serve under those bylaws. The Annual Conference will require yet more work from the dedicated volunteers who have put together the program and made local arrangements. We need to meet the goal of raising $100,000 for the Alliance Fund. Most importantly, we need you to renew your membership and spread the word to friends and colleagues who are not yet in the fold! 

With your continued support, the Alliance will continue its successful pursuit of our mission: to foster and comprehensive understanding of the rich and diverse history of Texas.


Gregg Cantrell, Interim President
January 22, 2025

A message to ATxH Members

It has been an eventful year for the Alliance and for Texas history.