Frequently-asked Questions

Need to know more about our conference? If the answer isn’t here, just email us at

  • The bus tour on Wednesday will begin loading at 9am and will make multiple stops. Lunch will be on your own in the very interesting downtown square. Dinner will be at the Freeman Ranch. Others will join us there for dinner only. The bus will return to the parking garage around 6:45 to 7:00 pm.

    More detailed information about the tour schedule wlll be provided to each registrant.

  • Registrants for the conference can visit the Witliff Collections on the 7th floor of the lbrary at any time with free admission. This special event will include food and drinks and a curated tour of the exhibits that includes a “backstage” look at other collections. Proceeds also will help support our Student Stipends.

  • We have social events scheduled in late afternoon on both Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, will will gather in the courtyard of the Taylor-Murphy History building to hear music by two members of Americana music band, Dr. G & the Mudcats - Glenn Andrews and Grant Mazak. There will be light food by Blue Dahlia and a cash bar.

    On Friday evening, the Graduate Students social is not just for grads, but for all of us to meet, mingle, and celebrate our young historians. Light food and a cash bar provided.

  • When an opportunity arose to discuss a concurrent meeting with the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Trail Association (ElCat), we decided to broaden that idea. Each year, based on our location, we will designate a Regional History Partner on which to focus, promote, and reward with a grant to support their work. With the ancient trail passing directly through modern San Marcos, we believe we found the ideal organization to inform our membership.

  • We have reserved a preset number of rooms at the Holiday Inn San Marcos Convention Center and the Embassy Suites. If we reach our limit, we can ask that it be extended, so please notify us by emailing

    Ther is also a link to other hotels on this page.

  • Using a rental car or sharing one with others may be your best option. Uber rates are a bit costly, and there are no hotel shuttles.

  • The card on file is the one that will be used for conference registration. If you want to use a different one, go to your Member Profile before you register to update your card. If you want to change it back for future charges like your membership renewal, you can do that as well. Email us if you have any questions or difficulties.